Hi, I'm Ruben. I'm a 27 year-old father to a 5 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. As a young boy I dreamed of becoming someone famous. Which I imagine we all felt at one time or another. So i went to a private catholic high school, then ventured to a private college to follow my dream of being on television. I never did make it or finish college for that matter. I have learn to establish my self in the corporate world by not letting society define who I would become. I have been a very successful individual who understood hard work and established himself in a fortune 500 company and took his knowledge and expertise to a whole other level. I have alot to say, and alot to share so join my blog as I speak of the things that not only help me along in my journey but could help open the eyes of others who get caught up in letting society define who that person should and would become.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Ask about time travel?....WE TIME TRAVEL DAILY!....we speak of the universe but fail to see everything is its own universe

Everything is time travel. Everything is its own universe. Did you ever sit back an wonder, "wow I just made great time to work". That phrase in it self is time travel in the sense that you have control of how long some thing can take you....YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF TIME! You must understand that time is what your mind tells you time is. When you have no watch and no clock.....does time really exist? Time takes on so many different meanings when it is applied to different situations. For example some may say going to college for four years will happen in a blink of an eye......while put in a different context some may say that going to prison for four years would be unbearable and an eternity.....How could time have such different meaning when applied to different situations? Another great example would be how we speak of a lifetime an how you have this entire long life to accomplish goals an mile stones...When put into perspective with changes in the universe our life spans are nothing more then mere milliseconds. The point I get at is that time is what we make time. We can not travel back in time because everything in existence only runs one way, that being forward. Now onto my second topic.....We all be in the grand big universe filled with stars, planets, asteroid, moons, and so on. Did you ever stop to think that every aspect of our life is a different universe. Today as I drove home from my mother in laws house on the expressway I thought to myself, "am I saving enough for retirement....". These are my "universal worries"...in other parts of the world there are people living in there "universial" worries of having enough to eat or how there country is in civil war an blood color the streets. Every bodies universe is different....lets take it down to a smaller level......a disease such as cancer begins in your body and ends up taking over it to the point where the body dies....you can think of the body as a plant or universe being run over by a spieces in its own interest to the point where the body or the universe is driven to the point of extisoion......we control time an all millions of universe that exist in our everyday lives....open your eyes an see what true reality is, an not what others tell you it is.

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